A Better World

Is Possible

Together, we can address the climate crisis, stand up for a woman's right to choose, take on the gun industry, and stop Big Pharma, Big Banks, and Big Oil from ripping us off.

But to win a fight, we need fighters – people who can organize, and build coalitions, and make real change. That's what Aaron's been doing in Rhode Island for years. And that's the kind of progressive leader he'd be in Congress.

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Meet Aaron

For fifteen years, Aaron has been fighting to make a difference for everyday Rhode Islanders. As a state legislator, he built coalitions that passed laws to give working people paid sick days, higher wages, and access to renewable energy. As a community organizer in Providence, he stood up with folks who’ve been ignored for too long. And as a new lawyer, he’s supported court cases to hold Big Oil companies accountable for their environmental crimes. 

Aaron lives in Providence with his wife Katie, who works as a public defender, and their son Asa, who just turned two.